Saturday, February 05, 2005

Step one, buying the ticket

Last night, when a guy bought our table a round of tequilas, I looked around and realised that I was the only drinker on the table. It was at that point that I knew I was going to be spending a lot of time in bed today. That's OK, it is part of my Saturday routine really. I spend a lot of time in bed at the weekends. But I did have one important thing to do today. I had to call my travel agent in London and pay for the Round the World ticket I had booked the previous week online.

Yes, after three years teaching in Korea I am finally preparing to leave. I have left once before but came back a mere 11 weeks later. This time I am being a little more realistic- that is to say, that I am more than happy to come back to Korea at the end of the travels. I love teaching in Korea. Of course, I have good days and bad days, both in the classroom and out, but overall I consider myself very lucky to have found a job that gives me so much joy. And I will miss the munchkins very much.

me and the munchkinspink princesses

With the nine hour time difference between Korea and England I was still able to spend a considerable amount of time in bed before making the call. I realised that I didn't want to be alone while spending a lot of money so I went to my friend, Rory's, house to make the call. And then it became official! So this is the route I am taking:

London - Singapore - Vietnam - Perth overland Sydney - Christchurch overland to Auckland - Fiji - Cook Islands - Tahiti - Los Angeles overland to New York - London

Exciting stuff, you'll have to admit. Right now it doesn't seem real. And won't until I get back to the UK in April and pick up the tickets from my mother's house. In one easy step, this has just become the most expensive thing I have ever bought- mainly because I have always avoided all those grownup things like buying a house or learning to drive- though at 860 quid (pounds) it is pretty cheap.

stack of cash

Even so, I have sent myself a budget of eighty pounds a week to get me through the travels. For the next two months, I will be busy contacting mates who live anywhere along the route, and researching budget options. Have already spent some time looking at the sleeping in airports website(!)

incheon airport

Right, now I have to get back to calling or text messaging all my mates to share the excitement!


At Sat Feb 05, 11:41:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Helen,
Love what you have done with the site.
Fans of you all around the world will be able to share this new exp with you all the way.
Korea without Helen will be strange but the world needs to you too.

Your a great mate. Margo

At Sat Feb 05, 11:49:00 PM PST, Blogger Helen said...

My first comment! I am so excited! Thanks, sweetheart.


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