Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hi Honey, I'm Home!

I am back in Saigon now after an amazing week in Korea. Having had to leave the country so quickly I really felt that I was missing something by not saying goodbye. Thursday was big, Friday night was bigger which must leave Saturday night as the biggest. I left you on the last post as I was about to take a nap on Saturday afternoon. About twenty minutes after typing that I had a phonecall from James to tell me that he was at the Dano Festival- something we had planned to do the previous two nights but had got waylaid in Bumpin.

festival street
phone danglies

Many mad phonecalls later

'can you see the tranvestite making lots of noise?'

'are you anywhere near the bouncy castle?'
'walk until you get to lots of strange looking food that you wouldn't eat.'

small bird carnage

we met up and went for dinner. We found a restaurant tent with a whole pig roast outside (in fact, they nearly all had the same thing) and cold beer inside. We quickly settled in for the day. James did put up a small protest at the first beer since he needed to be back in Seoul that night but by the time that Rory and the dongdongju had arrived he was happy enough to stay for a tipple or two.

beads and festival

My friends seemed to work in shifts all weekend to make sure that I was having the maximum amount of fun which seemed also to be the maximum amount of beer. Thus, Neil and Annette turned up from Gwangju to take over from James on the night shift. More dongdongju, more beer and off to the 'All you can drink' party at Bumpin.

balds on parade

Which turned out, as ever, to be a lot.


bumpin ymca
Much dancing, frolicking and painting of bodies later and it was more than I could do to resist that norae bang urge. I have spent the last two years trying to get Rory to the norae bang and despite him being more than happy to strip to the waist and strum away in Bumpin, he has never given in. But Tanya proved more determined than me. When Rory said that the only way to get him to a norae bang was to carry him she stepped up to the plate and took him at his word. Much respect to the girl who managed to carry him all the way from Bumpin to the other end of town, ignoring the drunk Korean guys who were mortally offended at the sight of a girl carrying a boy, and onto the steps down to the singing room itself.

piggy back rory

the strain is beginning to show

We piped out a couple of tunes and then the night was over.

sweet crooners

Rory may be pissed off to see this photo here but, seriously, it could have been a lot worse!
For some. I appear to have then spent the next couple of hours in an alleyway, drinking beer with Dylan, finally making it back to Rory's shortly before 9am.

When my phone rang a mere three hours later I had to decide which was more important, sleep or friends, and was soon in a taxi on my way to Gyeongpo beach to meet Neil and Annette. My Uncle gave me a Sheffield squirrel for my birthday and so far he has been a little shy. Turns out that he is just scared of cities and very happy on the beach.

neil and squirrel

After a couple of blissful hours paddling in the icy cold water Neil and Annette had to get back on the bus to Gwangju. Shame for them as the fun was only just starting. I went to watch the contents of the bar the night before drag themselves around the soccer field for a while. Now when I heard that they were playing Korean teams I had no idea that they meant middle schools students in ties. Guess that they have been working themselves up from kindergarten since I left. But fair play to them, they were all standing upright after the ravages of the previous night and running around more than I could do after a week's sleep.

my friends

All too soon it was festival time again.

toilet roll, heimi and patrick

More beer, more dongdongju and a test of manliness on the rifle range. I am pleased to report that Heimi is the least manly of the bunch.

gavin rory and heimi

man the hunter

Sunday night we finished in the Warehouse before the sun even came up.

last beer of the weekend

Monday, I had to go and say goodbye to my students again.

goodbye to my students

They were very sweet and gave me some letters. Fay even bought me some chopsticks from the festival because she knew that I kind of collect them. I also met Mona and Yongho for lunch. And I found the only thing that seems to draw more attention than a foreigner in Gangneung and that is a large dog being walked around town. Generally in Korea, people either have small handbag sized dogs which they carry around with them or larger dogs which spend their lives tied to their kennels. So to see a big beautiful Jindo dog strolling around town is a shock for most people. A nice surprise for some and terrifying for others.

Monday evening Dave had gathered some people together for dinner and after a surprisingly short time, considering the amount of people we had with us, a restaurant was decided on. Strangely it had changed hands and therefore menus since I was last there. And the boys supplemented their dinner with their own concoctions- see Rory's blog for the results.

rory and pork

We retired to Bumpin and the boys talked about soccer and fishing (or whatever it is that boys talk about) while the girls made dinosaurs. Me and Tania were finally reunited in a Jenga knockout- joined by Penny and Seung Hee.

hard at work

tanya and  jenga

seung hee and tanya dinosaur completion

rory and dinosaur

Since we had new players we decided that the game couldn't be part of our ongoing contest (I think that Tania decided that actually shortly after she had the tower tumbling down). We didn't even get close to our best score. Ah well.

Tuesday morning, Tania helped me take my pesky boxes to the post office and after spending a fortune sending the last of my things back home it was time to say goodbye to Tania. I went back to the festival for one last look around then had dinner with Rory, Ryan and Mr Lee. One more beer in Bumpin and my time was over. Late drunk bus to Seoul and James' house then sleep.

I went to the airport with James today and got to Saigon around three o'clock this afternoon. I immediately checked into a hotel then back out for lunch and to buy a bus ticket to Dalat for tomorrow.

Now here I am digesting lunch and catching up with you guys! If I have forgotten anything, forgive me- I am tired after so little sleep on the weekend. I just want to say thanks to Dave for his support over the weekend. It was a shock to find out that he had received the sam bad news as me on the same day. I will let him say the words- Dave's blog

Overall, I am really glad that I went back to Korea. It was so great to meet everyone again and share news, good and bad, though I'm not so keen on the hangovers.


At Wed Jun 15, 03:05:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, no wonder you didn't update your blog alot in Korea. Happy to hear that you got the send off that was due you.


At Wed Jun 15, 03:16:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

seriously, this is the longest that I have had to myself since Thursday- it has been great. And expect a little something in the post!

At Wed Jun 15, 08:25:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Hels. I'm really hoping its the pink and white dog at the beginning of your blog....fingers crossed.

oh yeah, whats dongdongju??? I feel so ignorant.


At Wed Jun 15, 09:53:00 AM PDT, Blogger R said...

Oh no, Helen, you didn't...

Shitebags, you did...

Good to see you made it back safely. I was going to give you a fare well call this morning but woke up too late...

At Wed Jun 15, 05:59:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Helen, thanks for a great weekend! We had an absolute blast in "your" beautiful city! Really was wonderful to see you again - sooner than we all had expected. Thanks for making the detour !

ps. hope you didn't forget the wine or the mp3 player

At Thu Jun 16, 03:38:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

Ner- fraid not. Might be something a little more Roisin based.

Rory- you knew that I had to and this wasn't the worst of them. Phone battery died on the bus on the way to Seoul so you could have got away with the lie!

Neil and Annette- the wine was enjoyed by a civilised crowd over a civilised dinner at Bumpin. And much appreciated by all!

At Thu Jun 16, 04:13:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

Grr... can't get into hotmail today. Arse! Can get into messenger so I know that I have four messages- let's hope that they are nothing urgent.

Will try again tomorrow.

At Fri Jun 17, 06:28:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

Yes, strange that Rory is only too keen to get his shirt off in public but finds himself a little more reluctant to see photos of it end up on the internet. And that he thinks one bad photo of me will blackmail me into not using the hundred or so 'interesting' ones I got of him.

I am so glad that I made the trip back to Korea. I feel more at peace now than I have done for a few months. Thanks to all involved for being there to drink, and sob, with me as needed.

I really do have the best friends in the World- and I'll say it again tomorrow when I am sober too!

(am sober now too really but can't get into my hotmail account again so pissed in a different sense)


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