Saturday, December 23, 2006

So here it is.. nearly

For me one of the big differences between being an adult and a kid is that a kid shakes their advent calendar in the hope of dislodging a chocolate and being able to eat it as it takes too long to wait until the next day. But an adult can still taste the previous chocolate when they open the new day's door because the days rush by so quickly.

Finished school yesterday. We are closed for just over a week and back on 2nd January. I am only back for four days though as the following week I head to Colombia.

We celebrated in true style last night

santasint classalexdos juan valdezessarah and carloyuli sarah alex and me me and alexme and juan

weirdly I seem to be wearing my bracelets in all the photos from last night but I wasn't when I arrived home. Bugger. Only annoyed because Sam bought them for me when we were in Cambodia a couple of years ago. I still have a couple though and it gives me an excuse to buy more bracelets in Colombia.

the cuddly reindeer on the table was a gift from a Turkish student, as is the big pink necklace I am wearing. The santa hat photo was taken as I went out with a couple of other teachers designing a treasure trail for the students to follow. The hats were very warm and the day very cold so it all worked out lovely.

my kind of santa

Me and Sarah called Juan when we left the pub and he came and picked us up on his rickshaw and took us to Charing Cross- perfect:)

We are popping to Felixstowe tomorrow to pick up Auntie Doll and bring her back here for Christmas.

Have a good one!


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