Everything changes.. even me!
OK OK after nearly two and a half years I am changing schools. I could tell you why but it is all too dull to go into. Next week is my last week there- and I am just working for three days so that is OK. It is Good Friday today so I am taking the opportunity to spend some quality time in bed.
The school had an Easter party on Wednesday night and I didn't get home until the time that you can see on my jazzy present from a student new watch...
And then my alarm went off four and a half hours later.
Uf! Yesterday was pretty hard. I have been teaching upper intermediate this week too which I have never done before so had no back up plan for activities that failed to fill the time. One of the classrooms I have been teaching in is so small that I have to climb over the desks to get to mine and the whiteboard. Which makes any kind of time filling mingling a bit tricky.
Then, fool that I am, I didn't even go straight home when I finished work at three but instead went for bi bim bab with a friend before meeting another when she finished work. I wasn't too know that she fancied beer not the coffee that I really needed. I managed a couple of pints before coming home and falling asleep in bed with my laptop perched on my knee!
The party was fun and I met up with loads of old students. These two are both from my last class and actually the same age as me
so why do I look so much older????
and this is the window of Liberties at the moment and kids seem to be transfixed by it
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