Friday, March 04, 2005

'If you drop that I will kill you,' sending the kids out with the camera

It snowed. I worked. Most of my mates didn't.

on my way to work

The boss let me out early. I went out for dinner and watched a movie at the DVD bang. This is the third time that I have written this post. It was a lot longer the first two times. But I lost them. I hate computers! Here are some photos that my kids took of themselves in the snow today.

snow angel Sonic

snowy Sonicits cold

snow, wot snow- Juliesnow diving

The movie we watched was a Korean movie called 'Mokpo, a Gangster's Paradise'. It was fun to see my old home of Mokpo on the (semi) big screen. Afterwards, considering the snow to be hazard enough to my safety without throwing a tequila or two on top of the danger, rather than stop in Bumpin for a bit I just took a photo of the place


You would half expect to find Santa propping up the bar in there tonight. Will write more when my PC is annoying me less.


At Sat Mar 05, 01:57:00 PM PST, Blogger R said...

It snowed...God damn it...and I am's kinda snowy here too...But I hate missing out on Kangneung snow!

At Sun Mar 06, 06:39:00 AM PST, Blogger Helen said...

Not gonna lie to ya, it has been great. But I am sure there will be a little slush left by the time you get home- just a little.


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