Fraser Island Two day Safari
I wasn't going to go to Fraser Island. I couldn't afford to go last time I was here and it really didn't bother me- not as much as missing out on the whale watching did anyway. But it is hard not to get sucked into the Fraser Island hype once you hit Hervey Bay. After all, once you have gone whale watching there is little else for the tourist to do in this pretty but dull town. I was lured by tales of fabulous gorgeousness and booked myself onto a two day trip.
My first mistake, and so far my only notable one, was not asking the group size before I started booking the tour. Goodness only knows why the girl was so pleased to tell me that the size was 40-50 people!!! Yikes, sounds like a nightmare on wheels. As my face fell, her phone rang and when she came back to me it was obvious that she wasn't going to indulge my fear of crowds. Telling me that not other groups were leaving on Sunday, she shoved my VISA receipt under my nose to be signed.
'You'll have fun,' she snarled, more a command than a good wish.
Right so, at least I was going to Fraser Island, I consoled myself while muttering 'don't let the mean lady make you cry,' under my breath.
I had the dorm to myself that night and had hired some more blankets (I hate the way that the big hostels fleece you for what comes naturally to the smaller places. I am surprised that there isn't an honesty box in the toilets) as I had woken exhausted that morning after a hectic night of shivering. So I was able to leap out of bed with enthusiasm on the day of the tour with no worries about waking others.
To be fair, it had stopped raining by the time the bus came and it really didn't start again until we were on the ferry. Oh joy! Weirdly it had stopped by the time we reached the rainforest. As the tour guide kept reminding us, the most remarkable thing about the rainforest there is that it grows in the sand and it is unique in the World for that reason. It is also fabulously gorgeous, you will be pleased to know. At over 100km long, Fraser is the largest sand island in the World and is certainly a place of extremes. In places it is as if Nature has drawn a line to signify the end of one kind of area (rainforest for instance) and the start of another (sand blows) the changes tumble over each other to fill the island.
And I am one of just six of the fifty one people on the tour to really appreciate that because I treated myself to a 20 minute flight in an little aeroplane. Hooray! For once I was one of those people who eagerly throw their hands in the air at the chance to spend more money rather than one of the envious majority in the cheap seats. We settled into our little plane and drove along the beach to take off. Lots of trees, sand, sea and twenty minutes later we landed further down the beach as the rest of our tour group took photos of us- how the other half lives!
I had a great first day on Fraser- with regards to the island itself but the group was way too big and it took forever every time the coach needed loading or unloading. But it didn't break down until day two, when the sun had come out. And I did manage to see a dingo before hitting the hay that night.
The second day brought lots of sun and a wonderful fried brekkie to start the day. We saw Lake McKenzie and Lake Wabby. We watched whales scoot past Indian Heads. We generally smiled and paddled a lot. Then it was back to Hervey Bay.
This morning I got up and got on a bus to Brisbane where I have spent a very enjoyable afternoon- hitting Surfers Paradise tonight- wish me luck!
Sounds lovely... And I am stuck in hell...
I have yet to organise my trip back to Aus, but I am shooting for the last week of this month... Will you still be there?
Didnt really like Sufer's P. Not really interesting but had lovely beaches
twas fun chatting with you and timmers. we'll have to do it again soon and this time we'll dial a beer.
I have no problem spending money, James- I think that you are confusing me with you again! my problem is not having the money to spend....
I probably should have mentioned that the bus broke down on the second day- smoke started pouring out of the business end of the bus and we all had to get off and run around trying to find new buses to get on.
I should have mentioned it but I didn't. Ah well.
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