Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Photos from Adelaide, Cairns and Townsville

God I am good to you guys! I was going to sit here and write all about my trip to Fraser Island but I stuck an investigatory finger on a button on the PC and the CD drawer flew open. So rather than scare you all again with a mass of text I am actually putting on photossssss!! Wow! You have read/should have read the stories to go with these so I am not going to tell them again. As usual, hover your mousepointer over the photo for a short explanation.

1mangrove boardwalk cairns

2swinging catepillar


4toad racing

Typical pub in Cairns with sophisticated entertainment


6osmond the koala

Osmond the Koala in Cleland National Park. I know that it is kind of cheating to take photos of the animals in the parks but,wow, they make the best photos!



6nigel about to be bitten
This is Nigel just prior to the Bettong biting him

5bedraggled kangaroo

Bless, it really was a rather wet day and all the kangaroos looked pretty sorry for themselves. Though this might have been a ruse to get more food




5 kangaroo


I wanted it noted that while these two fairy penguins do not really constitute the hoard we were promised, these photos are actually of wild penguins and not ones in the park.

3give way to penguins

2begging kangaroo

The kangaroos in Cleland were shameless with their begging.


And finally, the most effective way of cleaning your hand without wet wipes.


At Mon Aug 08, 04:06:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crikey! Those are some nice pictures. Nice road sign, yet again.

At Mon Aug 08, 07:00:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No B/W photos -- keep to colour.

At Mon Aug 08, 10:01:00 PM PDT, Blogger Les Becker said...

Maybe it's FireFox? When I pass my mouse over your photos is says "Photo Sharing" by way of explanation. But that's, okay... I know a PIE when I see one! Now I have to murmur pie talk into Mark's ear as he sleeps...

At Mon Aug 08, 10:57:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Helen, just catching up again- that wet kangaroo looks like it would smell worse than a dog.
Is there a big problem with them stealing shrimp from the barbie when you're not looking?

At Tue Aug 09, 12:19:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

I like my black and white photos- I usually take the same photo in colour at the same time but sometimes prefer the B/W.

Glad that you like the photos though


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