Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Day After Boxing Day

It was on this day six years ago that I got on a plane and went to South korea for the first time. Wow, that is so long ago! Two World Cups ago. I remember that the journey was OK until I arrived in Korea where there was no one to meet me. Then I had the hassle with my flight to Mokpo being 'cancelled' see for more info).

Now we are in 2007 and on the verge of sliding into 2008. Nine years ago I was in Sydney. Seven years ago I celebrated the new year in Dublin. Six years ago I was a fresh faced newbie in Korea. Four years ago I was in Seoul celebrating New year with my best mate, Sam, in some style (ah, lager, lager!). Three years ago it was something similiar only ending the night with me vomiting into a paper bag at the venue. Not my finest hour.

Last year I was in Central London with Sarah and her boyfriend plus a background of students.

This year, probably a quiet one in Tooting. Not 100% sure yet but I am getting on a bit- hahah!

Happy Christmas

2007 hasn't been a bad year really. I started the year with two months in Colombia and a week in Ecuador. Man, I was terrified before I went! Not least of all because my Colombian students had been telling me how safe it was there- right up until I bought my ticket and the suddenly it was a list of kidnapped relatives that seemed at the front of their minds.

taganga sunset

Can't believe that I wasted so much time worrying! Goodness! What a fantastic trip it was! So beautiful and the people were so friendly. My Spanish didn't really get the workout that it needed but it did confirm my belief that it is easier to speak in another language when you are either drunk or you have no choice.

And that certainly wasn't the last of the trips. I went to Barcelona for a week and later to Istanbul

fishing in the centre of istanbul

It was my second time in Barcelona and I met up with a guy that I had met in Cartagena, Colombia. It was my first visit to Istanbul- I arrived with a stinker of a cold

And never got round to putting my photos up here as facebooks seems to have taken over my life.

Later in the year I went to visit my brother and sister in law for Thanksgiving in Milwaukee

brother and sister in law

We went to the zoo and I bought a LOT of shoes

elephant in Milwaukee

I am lucky that I work for somewhere where it was possible for me to take two months off and still be received back with open arms

the hotbed of creativity

and I even managed to get promoted to senior teacher towards the end of the summer. My mate, Sarah, went off to Brazil for six months in March but I was fortunate enough to meet lots of new people to keep me company

teachers off duty

And after nearly five months in my mate Matt's spare room I moved into a flat in Tooting with two other friends- a teacher at my school and an ex-teacher.

I was able to meet some old students in Colombia and one in Turkey. I bumped into an ex-students in Barcelona but stayed relatively teacher and student free in Milwaukee.

I got my left ear pierced in the autumn and my little friend had his lip done

me and my Colombian son

I have signed up for a diploma in teaching (DELTA) starting in January which should interesting though hard work! I am scared of the reading list but we shall see how it goes.

So if you find this space slightly less than up to date, feel free to look on facebook for photos etc. And I guess that I shall post here when next I am on the move.


Christmas party

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