Saturday, September 29, 2007

At the airport again...

It is just after four am and I am at Luton airport. I am too early as usual. But that's better than being too late. I left my house just before two am and got a night bus into town- I don't think that I have ever got a night bus going into Central London before. And it is a very occassion that you will find me on the bus sober. Or more or less.

Some friends came over for dinner last night (tonight?) which was really cool. Especially as they cooked. I have left the boys to do the washing up too- tut tut!

Unfortunately I have come down with a bit of a cold- sniffle- which is not going to make me the most popular girl in the dorm tonight (tomorrow?).

Right time nearly up

better find something else to do- chao for now!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


A few days I was walking down the street composing witty and intelligent blog entries in my head (something which I do far more of than putting actual fingers on the keyboard and typing) and I nearly got hit by a car I hadn't noticed. Maybe this blogging thing really is bad for my health. I am not sure what to do really. I don't write as often as I used to, tis true, now I am not sure if anyone I know even looks at this anymore. I write less often and receive comments even less often.

But if I didn't have this outlet when holidaying alone the environmental impact of me having to write in my diary is too much to even imagine.

So maybe I am just saying, hang on in there, I will be back more regularly and with more entertaining blog entries the moment I am back on the road again- and if all of you send me a fiver it could be that much sooner:)

Istanbul in three weeks and counting, I would be delighted if you chose to join me electronically.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

You never really know...

how pretty something is until you leave. This house is around the corner from where I grew up in Felixstowe

thatched house

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