Thursday, March 10, 2005

I blame the parents

So the kid who had the mullet last week came into my classroom mullet-free on Wednesday. Looks like mum forked out the cash to get the rest of the hair cut. Actually she must have been feeling pretty flush when she went to the hairdresser with her kids the other day as the mullet(free) kid came into class with his little brother trotting behind him... sporting the most incredible perm!

I was kicking myself for not taking my camera to work that day. And not bringing a bunch of ribbons and clips to play with the poodle perm that had been inflicted on this kid. The kid is too young for my class (being roughly western age four or five) but I am really hoping that he turns up again tomorrow- I will be waiting, camera in hand.


At Mon Mar 14, 02:33:00 AM PST, Blogger Helen said...

ah mate, it doesn't get much better than that.


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