A Sunday spent shopping
Woke up on Sunday and realised that I had forgotten to pick up the hangover drinks. Shrugged on some clothes and dashed to the Family Mart. James was after some Dawn so I picked up one for me to try too. Ah man, I don't know what was in it but it smelt like an ashtray and tasted worse. I took one mouthful before retiring to my usual hangover cure of Diet Coke.
To be honest, I didn't feel bad, just tired. One of the highlights of Seoul has to be shopping in Insadong so off we went. Always full of interesting people, we saw some traditional crafts and dancing. While in one shop I heard some loud music and looked outside the shop to see people dancing past dressed as aliens and men wearing false boobs. An intriguing sight, haven't see anything that avant garde since watching the Felixstowe Carnival video on Felixstowe TV.com.
I don't usually take flyers from people in the street but could hardly ignore one entitled 'UFO A message from extraterrestrials'. Turns out that we were viewing the Korean faction of the Raelian movement. Here is the message:
'In 1973, then French journalist, Rael, was contacted by the Elohim (ETs), who asked him to make their final message known worldwide and to prepare an embassy where they can officially land among us, bringing with them all the prophets as predicted by every religion...The Elohim... created life on Earth scientifically.. thanks to DNA. The Bible was transmitted to us by them, but our primitive ancestors mistook them for gods.'
I hope that makes life a little clearer for you. Entertaining at least.
Insadong is one of my favourite areas of Seoul- I am all about the colours. It is usually teeming with people 'doing their homework' which can consist of anything from asking foreigners questions to just taking photos of them. I usually do my best to help and imagine that I am regular staple in the homework photo albums of Korean students all over Seoul. My minor celebrity was disappointed to only be approached once but the student did seem surprised when I consented to have my photo taken. Not more surprised than I was to have his ten friends all whip out their camera phones to take the photo.
Here are some random photos from an afternoon in Insadong
Great shopping in Insadong. Scary when you didn't get the wages you were owed the week before. But did at least get on top of some present shopping. Now it is time to rest up until I have to go to work this afternoon.
surely you are not expected to actually buy anything??
Lovely photos...Busy girl...Where are the shots of James hammered?
cheers. Photos of James hammered? Should have been like shooting fish in a barrel but, unfortunately, I was waylaid talking to boys and by the time I looked again he had gone
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