It's all go in Felixstowe
Today was the 35th Annual Ipswich to Felixstowe Vintage Car Rally, something which representatives of my family have been going to for the last 30 years. I haven't been in a long old while. Now, any of you that actually know me know that I have a hard time trying to distinguish between cars and cantaloupe melons. I don't drive, can't drive, only recognise my sister's car if she is sitting in it but I had been charged with the task of taking some photos of the old cars, motorbikes and, most importantly, scooters for my brother and sister-in-law. This meant that I stood there, camera in hand, asking my sister, 'is this an old one.... how about this one?' as the cars drove through Felixstowe on their way to the seafront and the promside finale.
We both took turns with the camera, me and Penny, and came up with some real beauties. Some of the shots even had the cars in them but there were also several great shots of the wall across the road from us and, in fact, some new cars.
We were waving to the drivers of the vintage cars but trying not to wave to anyone that was just in an oldish car for fear that they might take offense. And these are some of the things that we saw
A few years ago my mother was horrified at the rally to see a car that was the same as the one that she learnt to drive in. Followed by one the same as her brother's first car. I guess that was the year that she started to feel old!
She used to drive a VW campervan when we were kids but she never managed to get her mitts on one of these
We were under strict instructions to get photos of bubble cars (very small cars indeed) and I think that we did ourselves proud with this shot
And, although Auntie Doll had put the lamb in the oven to roast, we had to stay until the buses turned up
Then it was back to Auntie Doll's for a roast dinner and then home to torment the cat.
and count how many cellphones we really did have in the house
Probably too many. The one on the left is the one that I have been borrowing off mum over the years. It is big enough to type messages with two hands and all ten fingers. The one on the right is my new phone which feels like a toy. This was my phone in Korea after one of my students had finished with it and her sticker pack one day
It is May Day tomorrow (hum, no today but the bank holiday is tomorrow) so we are staying here until Monday afternoon or so then back to London, Essex anyway.
Thanks for the phonecall, Patrick and Heimi, I hope that I get to speak to you next time but just hearing your voices made me smile.
This is my first comment on your blog. I somehow read a couple of weeks ago, and been slowly increasing my coverage of blogs following the links on that page. It was not too hard to figure out some of the main cast of characters in this unfolding (breathtaking?!?) drama, I mean blogs. James, Helen, Tania, Rory et al. I can even guess some personalities now. Rory seems to be always wickedly funny and Tania seems to be always sweet. I lived in England for 5 years (now am in America) so I identify with this site in some way. Anyway keep up the good work. I will just keep reading. Reading these blogs, I am inspired to start my own blog sometime.
Hi Steve,
Don't be fooled, she just wants everyone to think that's she's sweet.
You say drama, it is just our lives. And for characters, I prefer to say my friends. Glad that you are enjoying the blogs. If you feel like writing one you should go for it, it is surprisingly what people will read!
Hum, these England posts seem to be popular, hope that people keep reading once I start moving.
Dammit, I used to have a campervan just like that and mine wasn't Vintage. It was just a pile of junk that left rust stains on my mothers driveway.
Hello there big brother,
I remember the van well though not with the same bitterness that mum used to remember it with.
Personality for James? Not sure, what do you think?
"Especially the scooters" - Really who gives a flying focker friendship about the scooters. where are the E-type jags and the Ferraris?
And stop posting about roast lamb, damn you!
Rory - hungover and foodless in Kangneung...
You forgot to mention that i am the sexiest mofo in this land aswell Steve!!!
are those the blue ones, Rory? You probably don't want me to mention the roast potatoes and gravy then?
There's nowt more English than me, James. Was so excited about this general election until I realised that, unlike Korea, you don't get the day off. Then recovered fully once I realised that I am not working anyway. Then in the doldrums once more since I am not registered to vote. Who was it you liked again, James?
are those the blue ones, Rory? You probably don't want me to mention the roast potatoes and gravy then?
There's nowt more English than me, James. Was so excited about this general election until I realised that, unlike Korea, you don't get the day off. Then recovered fully once I realised that I am not working anyway. Then in the doldrums once more since I am not registered to vote. Who was it you liked again, James?
are those the blue ones, Rory? You probably don't want me to mention the roast potatoes and gravy then?
There's nowt more English than me, James. Was so excited about this general election until I realised that, unlike Korea, you don't get the day off. Then recovered fully once I realised that I am not working anyway. Then in the doldrums once more since I am not registered to vote. Who was it you liked again, James?
are those the blue ones, Rory? You probably don't want me to mention the roast potatoes and gravy then?
There's nowt more English than me, James. Was so excited about this general election until I realised that, unlike Korea, you don't get the day off. Then recovered fully once I realised that I am not working anyway. Then in the doldrums once more since I am not registered to vote. Who was it you liked again, James?
are those the blue ones, Rory? You probably don't want me to mention the roast potatoes and gravy then?
There's nowt more English than me, James. Was so excited about this general election until I realised that, unlike Korea, you don't get the day off. Then recovered fully once I realised that I am not working anyway. Then in the doldrums once more since I am not registered to vote. Who was it you liked again, James?
are those the blue ones, Rory? You probably don't want me to mention the roast potatoes and gravy then?
There's nowt more English than me, James. Was so excited about this general election until I realised that, unlike Korea, you don't get the day off. Then recovered fully once I realised that I am not working anyway. Then in the doldrums once more since I am not registered to vote. Who was it you liked again, James?
are those the blue ones, Rory? You probably don't want me to mention the roast potatoes and gravy then?
There's nowt more English than me, James. Was so excited about this general election until I realised that, unlike Korea, you don't get the day off. Then recovered fully once I realised that I am not working anyway. Then in the doldrums once more since I am not registered to vote. Who was it you liked again, James?
Hum, well I certainly didn't mean for that to happen. Given the slowness of the internet connection here, I could spend the rest of the day deleting all those comments that are the same but I have better things to do with my time. 'People's Court' is on and damned if I am going to miss it just to clear up some blog thing.
Oops -- forgot to mention that Frodo always seems to be the sexiest mofo, while James is like the "giant baby's head in Teletubbies". My mistake.
Don't encourage them, Steve, you'll only make them worse!
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