Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Arts Factory

I have left a rainy Byron behind today. But I had a great three days there. As I have mentioned, I stayed at the Arts Factory which is probably the most expensive hostel in Byron but worth it.

3 accommodation

It is so chilled and relaxing there- whether sitting by the swamp making a didge or curled up by the fire with a good book- even when it is raining.

1 inside the teepee

There is a bar there and a great restaurant, both housed in a building next to the main lodge which was previously an abbatoir. In the basement of the restaurant is the best cinema that I have ever been to. Not only is it cheap ($6.90 a movie) but the first four rows are huge comfy lounges on the floor.

5 cinema

And, as if that isn't enough, they have even provided some teddy bears for people like me who go on their own but still want a hug during the movie.

4 cinema

and not all the residents are backpackers

2 lizard

But it started to rain last night and was still going strong this morning which helped me to make up my mind to leave. The Arts Factory is not only cool but also cold at nights. Last night I was toastie though as I had snagged another blanket (making three) and remembered a tip from my mate, Cat, and filled my platypus water bottle with boiling water and stuck it into my bed to warm it up. Nice!

3 sandcastle and cape byron

And I had a shower to warm up me before bed too. Lovely. So I was sad to leave Byron and head south (the reports of snow in Sydney aren't helping!) but now I am in Coffs Harbour in Aussitel- the hostel I cleaned back in 1999.

But more on that another time.


At Sat Aug 13, 12:41:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

Photos two days in a row! I am spoiling you all! Or I have logged onto a PC with the camera cable sticking out of it and it seemed too good to resist... whichever:)

At Sat Aug 13, 06:38:00 AM PDT, Blogger Les Becker said...

So, what movie did you watch?

At Mon Aug 15, 07:24:00 PM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

I watched 'Mr and Mrs Smith' and I think that the website you are looking for is possibly

have a nice day


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