A Wet and Grey Sunday
Went shopping in Greenwich yesterday with Penny

Managed to indulge my necklace obsession but only once. I love Greenwich- it reminds me of being young! I moved to Greenwich when I was 19 and lived just down the road from the market. Me and Pen parked up near the top of the park and walked through it, stopping off at the Observatory because a) Penny had never been there before and b) it was free
Here is Penny straddling the left and right sides of our fine hemisphere. The view wasn't the nicest I have ever seen it
It looked a bit more like the inside of my head when I woke up on Saturday morning after two nights on the beer with my students (there really are some benefits to teaching adults which cannot be overestimated). We got invited out for a few by one of the other teachers. If it was to be seen as some kind of a popularity contest, then what I lost on numbers of students I more than made up for with the staying power of my lot- clinging to the bar long after everyone else had gone home.
Mind you, if I hadn't been having so much fun I might not have forgotten that the trains only run once an hour at that time of night and I was on the verge of missing the 22.45. Bugger. Got home a bit late.
And then did it all again on Friday night with more gusto, more cocktails and much more dancing.
It was a good night though. But today my lesson seemed to dominated by the Friday night post-mortem.
Ah well. At least the students seem happy with their teacher!
Is this some abitrary conjunction of numbers or does it represent 24 hour time?
Going home at a quarter to eleven?
That was about the time we would go out in Korea wasn't it?
Yes it was about the time that we used to go out in Korea but then again that was when I had a job that started at 3 in the afternoon. Now I have to be in Central London at 8.40- and it is about an hour from where I live. So I now get up around 6.40am o'clock in the morning!
Plus, in Korea there were cheap and plentiful taxis all night- wish we had those here- then I could stay out.
Where I live has good links into London until 23.45 then we are totally cut off until 5 the next morning.
But at least it means that I can leave the bar before things start to get really silly!
shame with you both speaking in past tense about korea...
you mean it still exists??
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