Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year

I think that I could count on the fingers of one hand the New Year's Eves that I have actually enjoyed. Despite all my good intentions, I usually end up having a crap time and paying for it with destroyed brain cells the next day. Last NYE was particularly sucky, finding me drunk and alone in a nightclub in Seoul as it did.

So this year I didn't even try. I stayed home with my sis and had a celebratory glass of champagne at midnight while watching the fireworks light up the Esssex sky.


And I had a lovely phone call from Korea a few hours before and that was all I needed. After eleven days off work I think that I have acheived a grand total of nothing and it feels great. I didn't even buy any shoes(!) Public transport was buggered over Christmas, what with the Tube strike and living in Essex. There weren't even trains into London until 28th December- too late to meet a Korean friend flying out that day.

So I didn't even try to get out there. Which has done nothing to help me lose the extra Christmas weight I am now sporting but what can you do?

Back to work today. I am now working 9-12 and then 3-6. Literally half of my class is Korean and the other half is Turkish. Not sure about the afternoon class but it looks a little Brazilian so far, I seem to have lost most of my Colombians- wonder if this will affect me wanting to go there. I'll keep you posted!


At Wed Jan 04, 01:08:00 PM PST, Blogger Helen said...

I am not sure why there are so many Koreans here- when I was in Korea they all wanted to go to somewhere in North America. Whenever I ask my students why they came to England they just hang their heads and sheepishly mutter something about visas...

At Mon Jan 09, 04:41:00 AM PST, Blogger Helen said...

Lucky for you that I wrote nearly nothing then!

Most of my Korean students seem to love it here and claim to be able to whip up any Korean food at the drop of a hat so that they don't ever miss home. But one really hates it and can't wait to go home.

It is the South Americans I feel for at the moment- all complaining that they have never been this pale in their lives and asking why there is just no daylight in London during the winter. Not to mention that they all seem to be wearing all of the clothes that they own.

At Mon Jan 09, 10:21:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Helen,

How are things in the land of warm beer and jellied eels. Haven't got into any fights recently? I told you to take off that Millwall top when walking Highbury way!


At Tue Jan 10, 01:51:00 AM PST, Blogger R said...

Literally half of my class is Korean and the other half is Turkish - sounds like the start of a joke... :P

At Fri Jan 13, 07:56:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hels....are the early mornings taking a toll?


At Sat Jan 14, 07:06:00 AM PST, Blogger Helen said...

In a word 'yes'! Early mornings, late nights, working late, you name it, it is taking a toll!

Plus I am so boring that all I can talk about is my students and while I find them endlessly fascinating, I am not sure that I should devote this blog to talking about them.

Will try and update soon(ish)


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