Sunday, March 05, 2006

We're all going to the zoo...


Went to the zoo last weekend with some of my Intermediate students and my sister. They had asked me about the zoo a couple of weeks previously and I told them that it was a great place to go in the spring or summer. But they insisted on a visit asap- oh the folly of people that have lived without winter all of their lives.

I am not going to lie to you- it was bloody cold and, as we had suspected, a lot of the animals were on their holidays somewhere. But at least there were some giraffes there


which, as you know, are my favourites. It was a fun day out even though the high point for most of my students from below the equator seemed to be the heated greenhouse with nothing more interesting than a couple of birds in it.

We did manage to miss most of the rain since some of the people were a little late arriving at the meeting place so we just observed it from under cover of Baker Street Station before heading off through Regents Park.

The sun did poke its head out occassionally

dung beetle

I guess that another draw back to taking people from exotic climes to a zoo in London is that a lot of the animals have as much impact as a bunch of squirrels and pigeons would have on a bunch of Londoners,

'Ah yes, teacher, we have some of these living in my back garden,'

' my dad was once bitten by one of those,'


We managed to thaw out in the pub later. For once I had my camera with me, have been just using my camera phone recently but can't be bothered to go around the back of the PC to try and plug the thing in, but the students remained a little camera shy

camera shy


At Mon Mar 06, 07:12:00 PM PST, Blogger R said...

That sure is a large ball of crap...

At Sat Mar 11, 11:08:00 AM PST, Blogger Helen said...

The monkeys? I haven't asked them but I wouldnt have thought so

At Mon Mar 13, 03:38:00 AM PST, Blogger RLB said...

I'm impressed with how often you socialize with your students, it sounds like you have a lot of fun!

At Tue Mar 14, 05:26:00 AM PST, Blogger Helen said...

students are the new friends!


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