Thursday, June 23, 2005

Photos finally!

I have found a place here in Nha Trang which has the stuff which allows me to look at my photo CD. Yesterday we (yes, I have made some friends, two English girls I met on the road last week) went on a boat trip which involved snorkelling and generally splashing about in the water drinking wine. It was good. But I made this CD a few days ago so there are no photos from that day. The day before we just lazed on the beach all day. And then drank too much wine in the evening. Today we are going to a mineral mud bath (maybe) and then getting the night time bus to Hoi An.

Here are some photos from the last week. I am sorry but I am way too sunburnt to even attempt to be entertaining right now....

this is a silk worm presilk producing days

3crazy house dalat
this is a stairway in the Crazy House guesthouse in Dalat

2farmers daughter
this is the very cute farmer's daughter who held my hand during the whole tour

4elephant falls
Elephant Falls. Not in the guidebook but gorgeous anyway

5me in hat in the chicken village
When we went to the Chicken Vilalge it started to rain and some girls lent me a hat. Nice.

6 full body condom at the dragon pagoda
When it was still raining later at the Dragon Pagoda we had to give in and put on ridiculous raincoats

8long house
This is a long house in Lac Lake. You probably can't see all the animals that live under it. The village is a Mnong tribe one. They live in longhouses and keep elephants.

9 elephant
See! An elephant

7elephant and bike
This is the elephant next to Binh's bike- our own beast of burden

10 me and a waterfall
Me at some other waterfall

11cham temple nha trang
Ancient Cham temple in Nha Trang

13nha trang beach
Probably ancient beach in Nha Trang

14silk worms
Silk worms ready to be harvested.

15weaving silk in the chicken village
Girl weaving silk in the Chicken Village. She is a member of one of around 55 ethnic minority groups here in Vietnam

16 making bamboo chopsticks
This was mad bamboo chopstick making- fast and furious with no safety controls at all.
And there you go. I could post hundreds more photos but I have other things to do today. Hope you enjoy them!


At Wed Jun 22, 07:27:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fast and furious like the ready money round?

Cowboy cuckoo clock!?!

At Wed Jun 22, 09:09:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always, thanks for getting the pics posted, Helen. I'm living vicariously through you and enjoying the trip immensely! Even without the photos, though, you paint a very vivid picture. I love the way you write. Looking forward to tomorrow (so go easy on the wine and enjoy the mud baths)! I really wanna hear about those!

At Thu Jun 23, 01:30:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

you may think it is a secret, first poster, but I know only two other people who would write that!

And, cheers, Les, mud baths were cool. Maybe I should write about them now....

At Thu Jun 23, 07:02:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you thinking of yourself, me and her? she doesn't write here so it must have been me.

At Sat Jun 25, 11:22:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just linked to your blog from some other blog. Nice photos. But, is it just me or is there a headless man on the elephant?


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