Friday, September 30, 2005

The Sun has got his hat on!


Woke this morning to that usual sound of the planes taking off from the runway near the hotel. But I was pleased to see that it was sunny- hooray! I am leaving Fiji tomorrow and am exhauted after endless days of shopping. Can you beleive that I have done nearly all of my Christmas shopping for the year? I can't believe that I have been so organised. Really though it is just an excuse to go shopping and spend more money than I could possibly justify on just plain souvenirs. Plus, I can not help thinking that it would be wrong to spend five months travelling the world only to do all my Christmas shopping on Hamilton Road in Felixstowe!

Since the sun has come out for the first time in days, I think that it is time to do some long awaited sitting by the pool doing nothing much, while topping up my fast fading tan. Tomorrow I am on a plane to Rarotonga and a trip into the past. After all these months of being plus GMT I am finally moving into the shadowy realm of minus GMT- scary stuff! Time differencies too many to calculate (if you had any idea of what I am going through typing this- I am tying a few lines and then having to stop and wait for the computer to catch up and put them on the screen and then go back to fix the spelling- it is a little mental! I feel like I am time travelling already!).

Fiji has been fun but I have to admit that now I am just all excited about seeing my friends and family in the States- or continuing my tour of the Colonies, as my brother puts it! Actually a lot of the Indo-Fijians, on hearing that I am from England, say 'Ah, the Motherland,' which makes me feel slightly odd. I have filled my bag with muskets to exchange with the locals for food and land but they are not having any of it- apparently they don't do that any more. It seems to have died out with the more unsavoury aspect of cannibalism- the death of which I am sure did a lot of bolster tourism in the Fijian Islands thought knowing that even if you piss a chief off you are not likely to get eaten does tend to take the edge off the whole Fiji experience.

Right, it istiem to leave the whole world of time delay typing behind and get out into that sun! See you in the Cook Islands! Yesterday???


At Thu Sep 29, 07:23:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First time I ever saw a spammer do a "test" first! LOL!

You must be about ready to drop, Hels. Do you ever just wish sometimes that the trip was over already?

At Fri Sep 30, 03:30:00 PM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

Seriously, I have woke up this morning and it is the 1st October- when I wake up tomorrow morning it is going to be 1st October- weird!

Next time I am going to do this on my birthday!


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