Thursday, June 23, 2005

Here's mud in your eye!

There is a bar here in Nha Trang that gives street kids lessons for free. You can volunteer to give them free English lessons in the morning. This was just one of the things that we thought we might do over a bottle (or five) of wine the other night. We didn't do it and judging on their persistence they don't need any help with their English. But we did make two other decisions which we did carry out. Yesterday we went on a one day boat cruise around four islands and today we went to the mineral mud baths.

The boat was fun but my throbbing head wasn't. We had spent the whole of the previous night at a Mexican restaurant (I have lived in Asia for the last three years so really feel no guilt at taking a break from Asian food) until we had finished all the wine there. Seemed a good idea to go back to the hotel, buy some beers, and sit on the roof. We made it up there but really didn't manage much of the beer. Ah well.

The bus to take us to the boat was late but we made it in the end. There were many Vietnamese on the trip- including one little kid who I played with for the first five minute or so and who then screamed his little head off for the next two hours. Not my fault, honest. WE cruised, we swam, we snorkelled but my favourite part was the floating bar. Which was basically a guy on a little float giving out free wine (well, he said it was wine but I have never tasted wine quite like it) while we floated around in life rings. It was cool and relaxing and no-one tried to sell us anything which made a change. Unfortunately I was having too good a time to notice the sun slowly making its mark on my back and across my shoulders.

Got back to the hotel and bought some much needed after sun cream to the amusement of the girl there- I don't know if she was laughing at my sunburn or this often happens to people who have been on the boat trip. Last night I refused even one beer over dinner to make up for the damage done earlier.

Today we rewarded ourselves with a lie-in and went off to the mineral baths around 11. We hired three motos there and even after four days on the back of a 125 I must have looked like a novice as the guy grabbed my ankle and forced my foot onto the pedal. Once inside we went outside again to a bunch of showers and showered off. Then onto the baths which were open air pools. We bathed in one bath and a guy came over to take souvenir photos. At least we think that is what he wanted and not for his private collection. He wanted us to pour mud over each other while he took photos. We imagined that any minute he was going to try and get us to wrestle.

This was the first time that I have had a mud bath since being a grown up (not sure playing in the back garden as a kid had the same health benefits that this place claimed to). The mud was thinner than I thought it would be. And it was a mineral mud bath so pretty salty which meant that we floated around all over the shop. We hippoed around in the mud for a while before moving onto the high pressure showers. Then a hot bath. Then the swimming pool. Even after all that I was still finding mud in my swimsuit and ears.

We came back to Nha Trang and had lunch before I went back to the hotel room for (another) shower which revealed more mud in places that I didn't know I had places. Goodness. Now the girls have gone to the beach while I have, sensibly, decided to rest my sunburn for a while and blog instead. Tonight we are on a bus to Hoi An which will take around 11 hours. Not looking forward to it much. I'll catch up with you all there.


At Thu Jun 23, 05:25:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl, you've got to smarten up. You're going to fry your brains. Sez Mark: "Does she not have a hat?!" (He loves hats, so everybody should have a hat) Sez Me: "She's burned her back or something, not her head." Sez Mark: "Well she should keep her clothes on!" So now, dear Helen, you are not to swim without a bathing dress and water shoes, do you understand, young lady? You can drink as much wine or beer as you want, apparently, but you have to keep your clothes on.

At Fri Jun 24, 02:23:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

Goodness me, I never thought of keeping my clothes on! Actually I did take a t-shirt with me to wear in the water but got too carried away at the floating bar concept to remember that I had it.

Back is still tender, shoulders too, didn't make for the most comfortable bus ride last night.

Am now in Hoi An and unable to get into blogger (for a change) so will just post here instead!

I didn't think that I would get sucked into the whole having clothes made for me thing. Have to go back to the store later for my first fitting... hum. After three years in Korea it will be amazing to have clothes to fit- even more amazing that the ladies in the shop didn't just rush over yelling 'no size no size' and making shooing motions with their hands.

Off to My Son tomorrow for a bus and boat ride- temples and all that.

Have booked a sleeper train to get us to Hanoi on Tuesday night. This is a first for me but after the bus ride last night we are all sworn off buses. The only good thing about the journey was that us Brits got to indulge in our national past time of complaining.

Will try and pick up a hat soon but don't see how that will help my back...

At Fri Jun 24, 09:13:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This lack of sun awareness must be a family thing as I got some frankly very impressive sunburn on my legs today. I'm sure you would be very proud Helen!

At Fri Jun 24, 01:30:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well since it's becoming a family trait I have to say I spent just one hour kayaking on the lake here and got a horrible, square, life jacket, sun burn. Though it does seem Helen is out doing us.

Hello Helen.

At Fri Jun 24, 06:47:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TRAINS! I LOVE TRAINS! SORRY 'BOUT THE CAPS, BUT I'M SHOUTING CUZ I LOVE TRAINS!!! Never been on one. Nope, not scared. Just never had the opportunity, and the only passenger train here is a tourist day trip that I can't afford (we're working on a free-ticket enterprise in trade for a photo layout - it's good to have your own production company!)
You MUST take pictures. But mostly, please describe what it's like to just be INSIDE A MOVING TRAIN! I know you'll make it real for me Helen, as you always do.
(I blogged my new bike - I'm gonna get a trailer for it, in case you come to Canada on your last 80 quid - bring soju - I got beer! EVIL GRIN.)

At Fri Jun 24, 06:49:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Get the hat anyway... Mark will shut up about it finally, if you just get a hat.

At Fri Jun 24, 06:53:00 PM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

Might look into a hat once I have had my second fitting for my new clothes... maybe

At Fri Jun 24, 07:38:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark bought you a hat. (I'm serious.) He wants to know where to ship it, or will you come to pick it up?

At Fri Jun 24, 07:45:00 PM PDT, Blogger Helen said...


At Fri Jun 24, 08:01:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhhh.... yeah. That's what "I'm serious" meant. Well, it meant that THIS time, but I guess you can't always trust the phrase. Yes. Mark bought you a hat. I think he probably bought it for himself to start with, but he SAYS he bought it for you. It's very blue and flowery and reversible, and if you like, I'll post a photo.

At Sat Jun 25, 05:41:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

OK, then will look for photos on your next post. Sounds interesting :)

And just for Mark I bought a conical hat today and wore it until I left it behind in the market.

At Sat Jun 25, 06:43:00 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got photos of it, though, right?

At Sun Jun 26, 01:14:00 AM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

I do


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