Coffee Break
I did it, I left Medellin. I didn´t stay for the bullfight in the end as the girl that had been cooking for me was leaving so I thought that I should too. Haha! Nah, that is not the only reason but it can be tricky to make decisions and so when someone else makes them it can be a good idea to just piggyback them.
So I am in Manizales now, start of the Zona Cafetera, coffee stuff. I arrived in the dark last night but went for a quick walk through the zona rosa and saw Manizales finest out for their Friday night of fun, crowded chiva buses stormed past blaring out music and cheers. Being alone, I just sat, had dinner and watched.
Today people from the hostel have gone off hiking in Parque Nacional los Nevados- basically volcanos, thermal springs and snow. I didn´t go because I didn´t have enough money on me to pay for the trip last night. I am waiting to hear about it tonight and then plan to go either tomorrow or Monday. They told me that it is really cold out there so I am practising wearing shoes after a month of sandals.. it feels kinda weird.
And it is a bit colder here in Manizales too- we are in mountains so it is not surprising but I had to sleep under two blankets last night, it was only a week ago that I couldn´t even sleep under a sheet even under the fan! Ah, the Caribbean coast... sigh.
I have photos for you but don´t have my USB cable on me as I was planning to go to a rainforest at the edge of the city but have ended up in the centre instead. Couldn´t pass up the opportunity to get on the net, god I am too addicted! Now I am going to get some lunch and then head to the Jardin Botanico as it is only three blocks from the hostel.. sounds good to me!
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