Helensville- I can dream
Rent will be next to nothing in Helensville. People will be able to commute to the countries for work, if they so wish, otherwise they will spend their days doing whatever they fancy. No one would be expected to renounce any prior citizenship, as a big fan of a full passport, I would never expect anyone to give theirs up. I had previously imagined Helensville as some kind of a perfect country village- with thatched houses, post office and friendly village pub.
All summer there would be events on the village green and the sun would always shine.
But maybe we should be prepared in the event of a terrorist attack- though the residents of Helensville would never piss people off enough to warrant one- maybe it should be more like Sealand, a Second World War fortress in the sea just off Felixstowe which was declared the Principality of Sealand in 1967.
But whatever shape it takes, the most important thing is that I could just pop round to see my mates anytime they were in for visitors. I wouldn't have to negotiate time differences for a phone call or spend a fortune going for a visit.
I may well be losing the plot though so I am off!
Ah, blissful living in Helensville. Sign me up.
No worries, just as soon as I get some rich guy to finance it for me, you shall have the pick of the village!
I am a little concerned that I seem to see the ideal place as a cross between Suffolk and Gloucestershire- who knew!
Hey Helen - I got your text message last night, but being a broke arse I had no credit on my phone to message you back.
say hi to Is' for me.
Hi - I don't know if you are aware of this: www.helensville.co.nz
It's a real town, and my home town...
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