Friday, December 09, 2005

The weather

If we English talk about the weather a lot it is only because there is so much of it here. We may not have the extremes of hot and cold but goodness me it is always a surprise when I open the curtains in the morning. Though I had forgotten how wet winters here are- I find myself almost missing the dry static-ness of a Korean winter.

Today the weather is mostly foggy

1 foggy morning

Two days ago it was sunny as

2 nelson

Whatever the weather I am feeling quite under it today. My cold has progressed during the week and it making me pretty miserable today. But I won't complain because the other reason that I am tired today is that my friends, Patrick and Heimi, got married in Seoul at just after midnight GMT last night and I couldn't sleep while it was all going on- even though I am half a world away.

I guess that as long as I have friends in Korea I will never quite be able to let it go. And some of them are planning to stay there for a while. I spoke to Mona two days ago and she asked me why I would teach in England rather than go back to Korea- fair question for which I have no answer. I feel like I should try living in England for a while but I don't really know why! I got an email from a mate who is off to Goa in a couple of days and I have to say that it hit me pretty hard for me to be the one staying home while my mate swans off to sunnier climes.

I guess that there is nothing wrong with living in country and also having half a mind in another.

And it is not like London is a boring place. There is so much going on here all the time- I had to fight my way through the crowds outside the 'King Kong' premiere last night on my way home. I wondered why the funfair in Leicester Square wasn't open. But I had some photos from the other night

3 leicester sq

just in case I need my carousel fix or, indeed, if I am missing the chair-o-planes

4 chaplin

flying through the air behind the statue of Sir Charles Chaplin who usually procedes over the Square.

Tonight I am going out with a friend to eat Korean food. She seems pretty keen to try soju but I am not convinced that it is going to be affordable in the restaurant- maybe I should smuggle some in with me. We might even managed a beer or two which would be good as I haven't been to a pub for a couple of weeks- after all, what is the point of the bars opening late when I still have to be on the train home by 12?


At Fri Dec 09, 06:47:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm actually starting to miss snow....I have definately been away from Canada too long.


At Fri Dec 09, 08:44:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Helen,
Email me your address and I will send you some soju.You know Im serious.It will be an after Christmas bonus for you.LOL,Margo

At Fri Dec 09, 01:06:00 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strong lemon tea is probably the best medicine currently available for the cold.

At Sat Dec 10, 08:04:00 AM PST, Blogger Les Becker said...

You should live where you would be most happy. Psssst! Have you been to the Great White North, yet?

At Sun Dec 11, 01:49:00 AM PST, Blogger Helen said...

the great white north- is that where the great big santa lives?

At Sun Dec 11, 01:58:00 AM PST, Blogger Helen said...

And, sorry, Tania- I may miss Korea but have no plans to return


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