Sunday, October 26, 2008

Brazil, it is not all...

... beaches and bikinis, you know... but quite a lot of it is!


I am in Salvador still with an old student of mine. It is hot, I am lazy, so far it is perfect!

barra beach

We have been to the beach, and lazed around in a friend of Thiago~s pool..


The beach is nice but gets a little crowded. But the water was glorious.

thiago and coconut

This is Thiago, could he look any more Brazilian! Hahaha!! Bless!

centro historico

This is the historical centre of the city


There is a lot of bars and restaurants here and also a lot of churches!

me and thiago

Your avid blogger and her young friend. It has been very useful being with a Brazilian who could explain stuff to me, especially since today is the second round of the mayoral elections here and there has been pretty constant campaigning the whole time that I have been here- complete with catchy little ditties that get stuck in your head. Without Thiago I wouldnt have had a clue what it was all about. It has been driving him nuts! To the point that he has been throwing things at the trucks with music blaring out of them all day.

We have been out a couple of times too- to a friends house and to a pub last night to watch some live music. It has been a very relaxing week and has really made me want to learn Portuguese! Something that I thought would never happen as I am so faithful to Spanish. But I dont think that I have time to study and sightsee so I know which one will win!

Thats all for now- take care and I will catch up with you when I leave Salvador- it will happen one day!


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