Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Not Drunk

Can't drink, won't drink.

it is Wednesday and I haven't been out yet this week... guess that I am feeling the pinch of Sarah leaving already.

It is my second week back at work and I am knackered. I wasn't on the nine o'clock starts last week but this week I am. I hate the early mornings even though it is a lot lighter than it was when I went away. I am missing sleeping until my eyes pop open and then taking a siesta later in the day.

I am enjoying being back and catching up with everyone but time goes so quickly here. I find that I am wishing the week away just so I can get some sleep but when the weekend hits we have things to do so I don't get to spend all that lovely time in bed that I so crave.

Mind you, I was laid up for a while on Saturday as I slipped down the stairs on Saturday morning, scraping my knuckles along the wall and twisting my ankle. After limping round the supermarket in the morning I went to bed for the afternoon.

I still wasn't walking well the next day or indeed when I got to work on Monday. I had basically stopped limping on Tuesday but my ankle and heel still feel a bit dodge today.

No, I wasn't drunk.

Yes, it was the same foot that is a toenail down.

Now I am tired and a little depressed since my best mate flew off to Brazil yesterday... things will get better.. once this damn headache goes.

Take me back to Colombia! I looked so relaxed back then

me and natalia

me on el penol


This was taken in the pub when I had just arrived there from the airport. I don't think that I look too bad after the seventeen hours it took me to get there!


At Sat Mar 31, 12:39:00 AM PDT, Blogger R said...

You look like a girl I once knew in Korea...

At Tue Apr 03, 03:51:00 PM PDT, Blogger Ian said...

Helen - start saving for the next trip, I can't wait!


At Wed Apr 04, 08:04:00 PM PDT, Blogger Helen said...

I have been told that I can't have any time off work until after the London Olympics!! Both my managers and my students have said this... but I plan to get away to Spain and Dublin later in the year... to practice my Spanish and my drinking!

I'll let you know!


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