Sunday, April 29, 2007

Back again..

..but not for long. I am in the process of moving out of my sister's house and into my mate Matt's. But he hasn't got broadband yet (yikes!)

So I am at my sis's now and going over to Matt's later and thought it best to do a (very) quick update date now.

First, I have been taking students to museums again


And if you think that you have seen these photos before you haven't, that was a different class.

berlin wall

I started my Spanish class again this week and it was great to speak Spanish again. I am enthused and looking forward to coming forward in leaps and bounds over the next year.

Yesterday I took a school trip to Oxford. Well Lucy took a school trip to Oxford and I ponced along for a free day out. It was a good day but unfortunately my camera was in my other house but I took these photos on my phone



It was a beautiful day too and I managed to top up my tan a bit in between finding students that had wandered away from the tour group, again.

Now I should be packing my bag so off I go!


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